Who are we?

We are the Mansfield Marians Women's Institute, based in Mansfield in Nottinghamshire.
Mansfield is in the heart of Sherwood Forest, the home of the legendary Robin Hood the most famous English outlaw of all time. There's an old saying that behind every great man is a great woman, Maid Marian - and that's where our name comes from.
Our aim is to bring fun, laughter and education to all our members and we welcome ALL women of ALL ages and ALL backgrounds. We have set up a range of activities to suit everyone.
We meet on the third Thursday of every month, to find out more please visit our About Us page.
We are always looking for new members, so if you think you'd like to try it out, don't be afraid, simply come along to a meeting. You can come along to two monthly meetings for a voluntary contribution before deciding whether to join as a member.
Read on to find out more about where we meet, what's coming up in our meetings and how to become a member.
To find out our most up to date information follow us on Facebook.
What do we do?
Our meetings have included cooking demonstrations, interesting speakers, a cheese evening, Room 101, Morris Dancing, Bake Off competitions, blind tasting and lots of other fun and games!
Our optional social outings have included going to the theatre to see Calendar Girls, a trip to Denby Pottery, the Workhouse at Southwell, meals out and bingo!
We've done our own fundraising events to help us raise funds to help make our meetings even better, these have included: bake sales, raffles, kids craft stalls, coffee mornings and car boot sales. We also support local charities, our current nominated charily is Butterfly is a local voluntary project supporting people fleeing domestic violence.
Many of our members enjoy crafts and creativeness and our meetings have included making shower melts, Christmas crafts, felting, sewing fabric name badges.
For more information see our programme of things to come and our news section for what we've been doing. We are also active on Facebook, come and visit our page.
Please contact us with any queries using our contact us page.